Thursday, December 17, 2009

Selamat Datang di Kota Syariat.....

Kabupaten aceh barat belakangan ini telah mendapatkan sebuah kado yang sangat istimewa dari seorang penguasa nomor 1 di tanah teuku umar tersebut. Luar biasa memang kebijakannya yang merupakan upaya untuk menegakkan syariat islam itu. Bahkan pemkab tak segan-segan menyediakan 7000 lembar rok bagi kaum wanita yang akan di bagikan dengan cuma-cuma tanpa dikenakan pajak maupun biaya sedikit pun. Hebat memang dikau wahai penguasa ku.!

Pembuktian penegakan syariat islam di bumi Teuku Umar pun mulai berlangsung secara serius. Dalam rangka peringatan tahun baru Hijriah, Pemkab Aceh barat akan menyelenggarakan pawai akbar berupa visualisasi pakaian Muslimah bagi kaum wanita. Terkait realisasi larangan bercelana, itikad baik pemkab aceh barat diharapkan dapat berjalan lancar. Menurut hemat saya, merubah suatu kebiasaan yang sudah ada di masyarakat akan sangat sulit. Namun sebagai mukmin yang taat pada pemimpin, sudah sepatutnya kita mendukung kegiatan tersebut.

Dalam hal sanksi dan tindakan bagi yang melanggar, pemda harus menyediakan perangkat dan fasilitas untuk megeksekusi pelanggar. Contohnya adalah ruangan untuk menggunting celana dan menggantinya dengan rok. Sehingga tindakan tersebut tidak menodai sikap aparat penegak hukum dimata publik. Selain itu, juga perlu diperhatikan konsekuensi yang diterima oleh masyarakat non muslim. Walaupun mereka tidak diharuskan untuk berpakaian muslimah, namun ada baik nya dianjurkan untuk menghormati kaum muslim sehingga pakaiannya dapat terjaga baik oleh diri sendiri maupun oranglain.


ketika rumah megah mulai di bentangkan.
maka disaat itu pula harta mulai ditumpukkan.

ketika jabatan mulai diperebutkan
maka disaat itu pula harga diri mulai dipertaruhkan.

ketika amanah mulai digandakan
maka disaat itupula keadilan mulai diperdagangkan.

ketika demokrasi mulai tidak sejajar lagi.
maka ketika itupula kebohongan meraja lela.

ketika manusia tidak tahu diri.
maka disaat itu pula alam menangis.

ketika alam menangis .
maka disaat itu pula bencana datang.

ketika iman mulai dijual.
maka disaat itu pula nikmat ditarik.

ketika sujud menjadi asing
maka disaat itu pula ayat suci menjadi pajangan.

ketika musibah datang.
maka disaat itu pula manusia mengingatNYA.

dan ketika NYAWA ditarik.
maka disaat itupula keadilan sebenarnya..

semoga bermanfaat dan menjadi renungan bagi kita semua.. amin yaa rabbal 'alamin

Put away the Thorn

We do right of course not to expect something. Because we realize that is character that we must play. That is our obligation to put away the thorn in a street that we passed, not only in order to keep our body but also to keep other walker.
So, even though no one say thank you for your kind, it doesn’t need to less the meaning of your act. Maybe others people don’t understand the kindness, because they assume, you should have to do that. So, what for the expression of thank you? Let just the kindness flow from your hand. And let your heart free from feel deserving. Find the meaning of the wise word, giving the kindness by right hand, as if the left hand doesn’t know.

You Are Always Gone Be the One (Mother)

Because of you, my life is go on
Because of you, I feel the true life
Your kiss makes my eyes opened
Your voice makes my ears can listen
Until my lips can says
“I love you, mom…”

When I fall down
When I afraid to look at the world
When my tears cannot stopped
Your smile Mom, that makes me strong

Having mother,
I brave to look at the world
Into your arm, there is calm
Into your eyes, there is true love

I still remember you said
“My daughter is a woman; woman is pearl in the hard shell.
But its shine always lighting, without it has to out”
And now I understand..
Thank you Mom…

You are my star
Far but lightning into my heart
Loving you mom, make me forget
When I must cry

In Memory; My lovely sister

Ada makna dari sebuah kisah yang telah dijalani
Ada rasa dari sebuah kehidupan yang tak selalu indah
Ada sentuhan dari semua tindakan yang tidak kita sadari
Ada rindu yang selalu ku simpan yang tak bisa ku lepaskan

Kala itu…
Goncangan maha dahsyat membuatmu takut..
Ada tanya yang tak pernah luput dari ingatku..
” Apa ini??kenapa begini??”
Terlalu kecil tuk kau tahu jawabannya.

Kala itu..
Deburan ombak pagi favoritmu mengamuk
Apakah ia juga menyayangimu..
Hingga ia pun membawamu pergi..

Tersadar aku telah kehilangan..
Terjaga aku dari lamunan kini..
Lima tahun berlalu sudah..
Melalukan kenangan yang tak pernah lekang..
Ingin ku kau selalu dihati..
Memberi cahaya yang tak pernah mati..
Hanya doa yang bisa ku sematkan...
Hingga kelak kita bersama lagi..

Is Easy For The Teacher Implementing Lesson Plan Based On School-Based Curriculum

Curriculum in Indonesia has been often changed due to the development of knowledge and technology from year to year. The 1975 curriculum was used from 1975 to 1984. In 1984, the 1984 curriculum was applied. This curriculum was used until 1994. Then, in 1994 the government designed the 1994 curriculum supplemented by 1999 GBPP. In 2004, the decree No.22/1999 and No.25/PP/2000 state that in decentralized education, each school is free to design new syllabus based on the 2004 curriculum (Competency Based Curriculum), but the control is still hold

Currently, the Minister of National Education (MOE) through the decree No.20/2003 on National Education System and 19/PP/2005 on National Education Standard released a new curriculum, called a school-based curriculum, locally called Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). KTSP is an operational education curriculum by which each teacher is free to design new syllabus based on the standard competence and basic competence.

Changing curriculum makes students and teachers confuse. Student and teacher have to follow what governments want. Teachers have to change some material that has been prepared before. And teachers have the problem in adapting and implementing the concept of the new curriculum.

In implementing this curriculum (KTSP), there are many steps to do by teachers before conducting teaching and learning process. One of the important steps is preparing the lesson plans, locally called Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) as a guidance for teaching and learning process. There are many components in RPP. Indonesia’s Government Legislation of 19/2005 No.20 stated that planning of learning process include syllabus and lesson plan (RPP) that consist of at least aim of study, the learning material, teaching method, source of study, and the evaluation of study. All of these components should be connected one another. Whatever curriculum is developed and implemented, it will not bring about better quality of education, unless it has several important components.

The success of the teachers in designing a good Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) influences the teaching and learning process. Without it, the teachers will not be ready to teach in the classroom and their explanation will not be clear. It makes the purpose of the curriculum fail to achieve. The readiness of the teachers, which is shown by a good RPP makes the students able to understand the material and gives a good result in the study. On the other hand, if the teachers do not prepare themselves, the result of the teaching and learning process will be questionable because actually the unwell prepared teaching activity can caused the difficulties for the teachers to encounter the unpredictable problems which arise when the teaching and learning process is going on. Hence, the problems that are not solved immediately will bring unsatisfied result. Although RPP is just a small part of the curriculum, it influences the result of teaching and learning process. The teachers’ understanding on the curriculum determines their ability in creating a good RPP.

Although KTSP have been applied since 2006, implementing this curriculum still difficult. Some of the teachers thought that it is difficult to design Lesson Plan (RPP) based on School-Based Curriculum –locally called KTSP-- because KTSP is new curriculum and they are not familiar with it. In other word, we can conclude that implementing lesson plan based on School-Based Curriculum is not easy. The teachers have to follow or join some teaching training program to improve their information about KTSP.


Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan. 2007. Model Silabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2007. Model Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2007. Peraturan Mentri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia. 2003. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. (online): (Accessed on Mei 16, 2009)

Richards, Jack C (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press.

The Free encyclopedia (2009). Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. (online):

(Accessed on Mei 16, 2009)

The Ministry of National Educational of Indonesia (2003). Act of the Republic of Indonesia on National Education System. (online):

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dear Andromeda

Dear Andromeda...
Today is beautiful day, if you come and say 'good morning..
Today is nice day, if you come and say 'Hi..
today is my lovely day, if you come and say 'how are you..
today is my day, if you come and just smile...
today is not my beautiful lovely day...